Prebuilt Ghostty Binaries and Packages

Install Ghostty without building it manually by downloading and running a prebuilt binary or package.

The Ghostty project only officially provides prebuilt binaries for macOS. Other platforms may provide packages for Ghostty, but those packages are not officially maintained by the Ghostty project. This page will list both official and community-provided binary packages.


Official macOS binaries are provided by the Ghostty project and are available on the download page.

These binaries are signed and notarized by the Ghostty project. To install, download the .dmg file, open it, and drag the Ghostty application to your Applications folder. This is the same process as installing many typical macOS applications.


A Homebrew cask is available and maintained by the Ghostty community.

brew install --cask ghostty

Linux (Official)

Pre-built Linux binaries are packaged by distributions and not the Ghostty project. The packages listed in this section are all official packages provided by the respective distributions. Community-built packages are also available. See the warning associated with those packages for more information.

If your platform isn't available, you must build Ghostty from source.


Interested in creating a package for your platform? Check out the packaging guide. If you need any help, feel free to make an issue. Once your package is ready, submit a pull request to add it to this page!

Arch Linux

The latest tagged release of Ghostty is available as ghostty in Arch Linux's [extra] repository.

pacman -S ghostty

Additionally, a recipe for building and installing the tip of the main branch from source is available in the Arch User Repository (AUR) as ghostty-git. Installation may be done with an AUR helper or from source per the usual AUR instructions.

# Install Ghostty git
yay -S ghostty-git


Ghostty is available in the official Gentoo repository.

emerge -av ghostty


Ghostty is available in nixpkgs unstable.

environment.systemPackages = [

Nix Flake

There is Nix package that can be used in the Ghostty flake (packages.ghostty or packages.default). This is a good way to track specific commits of Ghostty.

While the Ghostty project does not maintain any official packages for Linux, Ghostty maintains an in-repo Nix flake because Nix is used as our primary development and CI environment. The Ghostty project does not maintain any official NixOS packages (in nixpkgs).

Below is an example:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    ghostty = {
      url = "github:ghostty-org/ghostty";

  outputs = {
  }: {
    nixosConfigurations.mysystem = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      modules = [
          environment.systemPackages = [


This isn't an official package in Nixpkgs but it is officially maintained by the Ghostty project so we put it in the "official" section.


Ghostty is available as ghostty in the official openSUSE Tumbleweed repository.

zypper install ghostty


Ghostty is available in the official package repository.

eopkg install ghostty

Void Linux

Ghostty is available in the official package repository.

xbps-install ghostty

Linux (Community)

The packages in this section provide binary installs for Ghostty but are not official packages within the associated distributions. These packages are maintained by community members and as such a higher level of caution should be taken when installing them.


Ghostty is available in this community-maintained repository.

Instructions for each version are available in the README of the repository.


These are user-maintained packages and not official Debian packages.


Ghostty is available in Fedora COPR.

dnf copr enable pgdev/ghostty
dnf install ghostty

Ghostty is also available in Terra.

dnf install --nogpgcheck --repofrompath 'terra,$releasever' terra-release
dnf install ghostty


These are user-maintained packages and not official Fedora packages.

Silverblue (and other immutable variants)

Add the copr repository to your system:

sudo $EDITOR /etc/yum.repos.d/
name=Copr repo for Ghostty owned by pgdev

After adding the repository, install Ghostty:

rpm-ostree update --install ghostty


An Ubuntu package (.deb) is available from ghostty-ubuntu on GitHub. After downloading the .deb for your Ubuntu version from the Releases page, install it as below:

sudo apt install ./ghostty_*.deb


This is a user-maintained package. It is not an official Ubuntu package.

Universal AppImage

Ghosty is available as a Universal AppImage from ghostty-appimage on GitHub. Upon downloading the .appimage file from the Releases page, follow the below instructions:

chmod +x Ghostty-x86_64.AppImage

Alternatively, setup can be done graphically by right-clicking the Ghostty-x86_64.AppImage file, selecting Properties, navigating to the Permissions tab and checking the box that says Executable as Program.


This is a user-maintained AppImage. It is not an official AppImage.