Scroll Up (SU)

Remove `n` lines from the top of the scroll region and shift existing lines up.

  1. 0x1B
  2. 0x5B
  3. ____
  4. 0x53

The parameter n must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. If n is less than or equal to 0, adjust n to be 1. If n is omitted, n defaults to 1.

This sequence executes Delete Line (DL) with the cursor position set to the top of the scroll region. There are some differences from DL which are explained below.

The cursor position after the operation must be unchanged from when SU was invoked. The pending wrap state is not reset.


SU V-1: Simple Usage

printf "\033[1;1H" # move to top-left
printf "\033[0J" # clear screen
printf "ABC\n"
printf "DEF\n"
printf "GHI\n"
printf "\033[2;2H"
printf "\033[S"

SU V-2: Top/Bottom Scroll Region

printf "\033[1;1H" # move to top-left
printf "\033[0J" # clear screen
printf "ABC\n"
printf "DEF\n"
printf "GHI\n"
printf "\033[2;3r" # scroll region top/bottom
printf "\033[1;1H"
printf "\033[S"

SU V-3: Left/Right Scroll Regions

printf "\033[1;1H" # move to top-left
printf "\033[0J" # clear screen
printf "ABC123\n"
printf "DEF456\n"
printf "GHI789\n"
printf "\033[?69h" # enable left/right margins
printf "\033[2;4s" # scroll region left/right
printf "\033[2;2H"
printf "\033[S"

SU V-4: Preserves Pending Wrap

cols=$(tput cols)
printf "\033[1;${cols}H" # move to top-right
printf "\033[2J" # clear screen
printf "A"
printf "\033[2;${cols}H"
printf "B"
printf "\033[3;${cols}H"
printf "C"
printf "\033[S"
printf "X"

SU V-5: Scroll Full Top/Bottom Scroll Region

printf "\033[1;1H" # move to top-left
printf "\033[0J" # clear screen
printf "top"
printf "\033[5;1H"
printf "ABCDEF"
printf "\033[2;5r" # scroll region top/bottom
printf "\033[4S"