Screen Alignment Test (DECALN)

Reset margins, move cursor to the top left, and fill the screen with `E`.

  1. 0x1B
  2. 0x23
  3. 0x38

Reset the top, bottom, left, and right margins and unset origin mode. The cursor is moved to the top-left corner of the screen.

All stylistic SGR attributes are unset, such as bold, blink, etc. SGR foreground and background colors are preserved. The protected attribute is not unset.

The entire screen is filled with the character E. The letter E ignores the current SGR settings and is written with no styling.


DECALN V-1: Simple Usage

printf "\033#8"

DECALN V-2: Reset Margins

printf "\033[2;3r" # scroll region top/bottom
printf "\033#8"
printf "\033[T"