Ghostty 1.1.3

Release notes for Ghostty 1.1.3, released on March 24, 2025.

Ghostty 1.1.3 primarily addresses Gnome 48 and GTK 4.18 compatibility issues but also includes bug fixes for all platforms. This release contains no features or improvements and is only focused on stability and compatibility. The next major release (1.2.0) will include new features and improvements. This release includes changes from 11 contributors over 21 commits.


Gnome 48, GTK 4.18 Compatibility

PR: #6877

Ghostty 1.1.3 is fully compatible with Gnome 48 and GTK 4.18.

GTK 4.18 changes the default renderer for GTK applications to the "ngl" renderer. This change exposed some bugs in Ghostty's rendering code that caused major visual glitches that effectively made Ghostty unusable on GTK 4.18 with prior versions (1.1.2 and earlier).

Since Ghostty now works with all current GTK GSK renderers, the gtk-gsk-renderer configuration is deprecated and no longer has any effect. If users want to force a specific GTK renderer, they can use the standard GTK GSK_RENDERER environment variable. The configuration option still exists but will be removed in Ghostty 1.2.0.

Full List

Full list of closed issues on GitHub.

  • OSC 21 (Kitty color protocol): Ghostty no longer sends a response for non-query requests. #5770
  • The pty no longer has an initialize size of 0x0. The size is something non-zero but may still be incorrect due to a race condition between initializing the pty and drawing the GUI window. We do not consider this a bug. #5776
  • Increase the maximum number of parameters for CSI sequences to 24. This fixes some SGR sequences that were not working properly in Kakoune. #5949
  • The default binding for equalize_splits is now usable by default for US (and similar) keyboard layouts. It was previously an impossible binding. The binding is super+ctrl+shift+plus. #5646
  • The elvish shell integration sudo feature now works properly. #5992


  • macOS: The new tab button is now more visible with semi-transparent dark backgrounds. #5897
  • macOS: New windows created while the quick terminal is in focused now properly transfer focus to the new window. #5834
  • macOS: Fix an issue where the terminal draw area would appear garbled until focused under various conditions, most reliably when a DPI change occurred. #6008
  • macOS: Fix an issue where the terminal inspector menu item would become deactivated under certain conditions in the Quick Terminal. #6024
  • macOS: The equalize splits keybind and menu item now only affect the focused tab, as expected. #6080

Linux (GTK)

  • GTK: Fix various rendering issues with the "ngl" GSK renderer. This resolves compatibility issues with GTK 4.18 and Gnome 48. #6877
  • GTK: Treat negative content scale values from GTK as 1.0. This fixes some known default setting issues on Gentoo systems. #5954
  • GTK: Make the split drag handle area smaller to allow selecting text on the boundary. This fix isn't perfect but is an improvement. A more comprehensive fix is planned for 1.2.0. #6000
  • GTK: The title configuration is now respected when a new tab is created from the tab overview. #6032
  • GTK: Improve the reliability of Korean input methods, specifically the fcitx5-hangul input method. #6779

Changes for Package Maintainers

  • The script is back in the source tarball. This was erroneously removed in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. #5762
  • A new build.zig.zon.txt file is included in the source tarball. This is an easily parsable file that contains the URL of every dependency used to build Ghostty (for all configurations, so this includes optional dependencies). #5764

This release still requires Zig 0.13, but note that the next major release (1.2.0) will require Zig 0.14. This is just a heads-up for package maintainers. The main branch of Ghostty is already updated to Zig 0.14 so you can start testing now, if you wish. There is no schedule for the 1.2.0 release yet, we expect it to still be months away.

Any future patch releases for 1.1.x will continue to require Zig 0.13.


The focus of our efforts remain on the 1.2.0 release, which is shaping up very nicely. We didn't expect to have a 1.1.3 release, but the compatibility issues with GTK 4.18 and Gnome 48 were severe enough that we felt it was necessary to release a patch.

I don't want to make any promises for any specific features coming in 1.2.0, but we are working hard to address many of the most requested features and improvements.

Ghostty 1.1.x has been a very stable series, and we are in no rush to ship 1.2.0, so there is no timeline for that release yet. We will cut the release when we feel it is ready. Thank you!